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7500 real estate agents
in 19 countries have chosen CODE 49 to get more results!

Know our products and our included services
Everything a real estate agent needs in one place
Increase your productivity with CRM 49, an easy to use and intuitive real estate software fully integrated with real estate website
Have a complete, objective, fast and functional real estate website, making it possible for the client to find the property they are looking for with just a few clicks
Create email campaigns to keep customers up to date with just a few clicks
The web pages developed by CODE 49 are adapted to all devices whether monitor widescreen, conventional, tablet, smartphones or cell phones
The real estate websites are developed following all the recommendations of the search engines, such as Meta tags and friendly URLs
The first contact of the client with the real estate agent is usually given through the web page, there’s nothing better than assisting the client through your website chat.
Real estate websites integrated with the best real estate CRM software
Be seen on the internet
More than ever, people head online when it comes to looking for homes and finding realtors. The real estate websites developed by CODE 49 follow all the parameters recommended by Google.
Both the real estate CRM and the real estate website are integrated with the main social networks, which allows the agent to share the properties on Facebook, Twitter, among others.
Real estate websites for agents
The real estate websites developed by CODE 49 stand out in the market for the practicality, beauty and results they provide.
The development of the real estate website is free and we offer several templates and themes, with the possibility of customization. The site fits perfectly in all devices, such as tablets and smartphones.
Among the differentials, we highlight the search for real estate by map and the various features of interaction with the visitor of the real estate website.
Real estate CRM software
As a real estate agent or broker, the most important rule when running a customer-focused business is a simple one: you will be successful as long as your customers are satisfied. This is where the CRM 49 helps the most.
The real estate CRM allows you to register your leads and conduct your marketing and management effortlessly.
We currently serve more than 7500 real estate agents in 19 countries around the world.